The Department of International Relations, Universitas Gadjah Mada has brought to you once again, The 6th Annual Interational Relations English Competition 2012 (IREC 2012) !
IREC is an annual competition as one of the main events of HI-PHORIA held by HI UGM, focusing on english competitions held for High School Students across Java and Bali. The competitions are devided into two major competitions; Debate and Speech Contest. Here are the details:
- Debate
- Speech
How do you do the registration? If you are interested in joining these two competitions, send an e-mail consist of the name of institution and the members of the team or the scanning of registration form to (Subject: "Regisration”). You can also notify your registration to the committees (Viyasa: 085729303629. Sinta: 085695577210) Plus, please notify the committees if you have done the payment.
Do lurk on our social media, on twitter (@hiphoriaugm). If you desire a full invitation letter and the motions, you can download it here We’re looking forward for your participations! Cheers~
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